The results show that the parameters are listed in an effective order as below: magnetic conductivity of roll rim, coil turn's number, air gap width, electric current density and iron core width. 结果表明:影响磁场的因素按影响程度从大到小排列依次为:辊环磁导率、线圈匝数、磁头间距(气隙宽度)、电流密度、磁头宽度。
The roll forming process and mould design of wheel rim are introduced. 分析了滚形轮辋的制造工艺,并提出了合理的成形工艺和模具结构。
RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY CONCERNING MODERN ROLL TYPE COLD BENDING FORMATION Analysis of cold bending of the rim section 现代辊式冷弯成型生产技术的新发展载重汽车车轮轮网滚弯变形分析
Developing a process design system of car roll forming rim in VBA, which can quickly and exactly compute cutting material size and process design of rim. 利用VBA开发了轻轿汽车滚形轮辋工艺设计系统。利用该系统,可以快速准确地进行轮辋下料尺寸以及工艺设计的自动计算。
This paper introduces the roll forming process and mould design of wheel rim. The rim manufactured with the dies has higher dimensions precision, less reducing thickness. CONSTRUCTION OF CSP PLANT AT BAOTOU IRON AND STEEL ( GROUP) CO., LTD. 介绍了东风汽车车轮有限公司为开展滚型车轮生产线建设而进行的车轮轮辋滚型工艺的工序设计与模具设计,生产出的轮辋尺寸精度高,圆角减薄量小。
Roll Forming Process of the Tubeless Wheel Rim of the Motorcycle 摩托车用无内胎车轮轮辋滚形工艺
In this paper, the effects of various parameters on the EMD's magnetic field were calculated and analyzed based on the 2D model, including electric current, coil turns, iron core, roll rim, and air gap. 本文利用2D模型计算了电磁侧封装置产生的磁场,分析了电流、线圈、铁芯、辊环、气隙对磁场的影响规律。
The Study of Roll Forming Process of the Car Wheel Rim 轻轿汽车车轮轮辋的滚形工艺研究
Study of roll forming rim craft 轮辋滚型工艺研究
Form and Position Tolerance Transformation of Profile of Roll Forming Rim 滚型轮辋廓形公差的等效变换
The Process Design System of Car Roll Forming Rim in VBA 基于VBA的轻轿汽车滚形轮辋工艺设计系统
Automatic Computing Program of Cutting Material Size of Car Roll Forming Rim in AutoCAD VBA 基于AUTOCADVBA的轿车滚形轮辋下料尺寸自动计算
The influence of Ampere-turns and distance the roll rim enters the yoke on the height of liquid tin contained by the electromagnetic field have been investigated experimentally with an apparatus built by ourselves. 研究了感应圈安匝数及辊端进入磁轭的深度对侧封液态金属高度的影响规律。